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INNOBIO PROTERGIUM TERRA is a Microbial Consortium that acts as a biofertilizer for the treatment of soybeans intended for sowing. It is developed from the specific combination of two microorganisms: Trichoderma harzianum TH10 and Bacillus velezensis T2. The synergy between both microorganisms allows to improve growth, adaptation and crop survival under conditions of biotic and abiotic stress.

INNOBIO PROTERGIUM TERRA facilitates the solubilization and absorption of nutrients through the excretion of extracellular enzymes that transform organic compounds into inorganic ones. It has the ability to compete effectively for the colonization of the rhizosphere, preventing pathogens from interacting with the roots of the plant, activates the natural mechanisms of plant defenses preventing the advance of the pathogen and produce diffusible and volatile metabolites with activity for the control of pathogenic soil and seed fungi. All these distinctive characteristics of both organisms are combined in a single formulation to achieve the maximum potential of growth promotion and control of pathogenic fungi of the soil and seed.


INNOBIO PROTERGIUM TERRA is a Microbial Consortium that acts as a biofertilizer for the treatment of soybeans intended for sowing. It is developed from the specific combination of two microorganisms: Trichoderma harzianum TH10 and Bacillus velezensis T2. The synergy between both microorganisms allows to improve growth, adaptation and crop survival under conditions of biotic and abiotic stress.

INNOBIO PROTERGIUM TERRA facilitates the solubilization and absorption of nutrients through the excretion of extracellular enzymes that transform organic compounds into inorganic ones. It has the ability to compete effectively for the colonization of the rhizosphere, preventing pathogens from interacting with the roots of the plant, activates the natural mechanisms of plant defenses preventing the advance of the pathogen and produce diffusible and volatile metabolites with activity for the control of pathogenic soil and seed fungi. All these distinctive characteristics of both organisms are combined in a single formulation to achieve the maximum potential of growth promotion and control of pathogenic fungi of the soil and seed.

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